Friday, February 21, 2014

CHANGE: It Starts with ME

In life there is no permanent. Expect changes in our lives. Changes that we must accept. Changes that we must not take for granted. In short, everything happens for a reason. If changes were there, don’t feel bad and just accept that it was done.

Me, as an individual, many changes must be change. Changes that may result in positive outcome. I want changes in me because, simply, I want a better feeling in what my life will be going in to the future. I can’t figure out what exactly what I will change but I have a feeling that I must undergo a change in me. Change that will cause a good start in me. How will I face changes in my life. I want a better me. In this, I want to start a new beginning for a better me. 

Changes in our life  is very important as it gives us new experiences whether it be positive or negativeBut it is not important if it is positive or negative, what important is you had cope up a lesson in it and you had accepted it with all your hearts. Now, I will change for a better me!

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